Vanessa D. decided to take part in the BridgeUSA Exchange Visitor Program for Teachers in January 2024. She began by submitting her Initial Eligibility Form to Teachers Council, a Department of State designated sponsor. After her eligibility was confirmed and she had secured a job offer from a US school, Vanessa submitted her application for sponsorship along with the necessary supporting documents to Teachers Council. Following approval for sponsorship through Teachers Council and visa approval from the U.S. Embassy in Manila, she arrived in the United States at the end of June, excited and ready to start her adventure as an exchange visitor teacher in Texas.

Vanessa’s goal to teach in the US stemmed from her desire to broaden her professional horizons and deepen her expertise in Special Education. The J-1 Cultural Exchange Program aligned perfectly with her vision to learn from renowned Special Education teachers in the US and to share that knowledge back in the Philippines.

Teaching in the US has immersed Vanessa in a new educational system, providing daily learning opportunities. The school’s culture has helped her become more proficient and effective in her profession, especially in handling multi-grade special education students. Adapting to the new educational setup and culture has taught her to approach each day with an open mind.

Living and working in a different cultural environment has helped Vanessa become more confident, trusting, and patient. She feels that the experience of life as an educator abroad is helping her to be the best version of herself as a teacher.

Outside of school, Vanessa has grown through connections in her community and through her local church, where she has found a new family. Her American friends from church have introduced her to her favorite American food, Texas barbecue!

Recently, Vanessa had the opportunity to further expand her horizons through a visit to Washington D.C., where she explored museums, historical landmarks, and monuments. The Thomas Jefferson Memorial and the African-American Museum left a lasting impression on her. Vanessa reflected that, “The Thomas Jefferson Memorial was particularly moving, with inscriptions that reflect enduring ideals of freedom and liberty. One quote by Jefferson that resonated deeply with me was, ‘I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.’ She enthusiastically stated, “I can’t wait to go back and discover the rest of the museums, stories and people!” 

At the end of her program, Vanessa plans to return to the Philippines and share the methods and strategies she has learned for providing better support and assistance to special education students. She is already well on her way of achieving her goal of growing professionally as an international Special Education teacher. She will certainly return home with a toolbox full of experiences, newly-acquired classroom skills, and memories to last a lifetime! 

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